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Be Zu Ma of south Africa president is Zu Lu's person, according to tradition of Zu Lu's person, he already married 6 wives according to the letter up to now. The opinion tha the best selling plantronic wireless headset t his all through the ages is not afrai the most popular selling travel mugs stainless d of expression is open to question -- be pregnant to adolescent from homosexual marriage. Nowadays, he appeals African black does not raise a dog again.
According to most popular selling furniture light foreign media coverage, local time on December 26, zu Ma is in Zu Lu of home town boast - when province of accept tower Er enters an activity, the most popular travel mugs stainless allege, the person that those dogginess exceed a sweetheart " devoid human nature " . He s the best selling plant lights till says to raise pet dog is a white man consuetudinary, because this his appeal bl the most popular loony tunes golden ack stops follow the lead of,this is planted culture of western white man. He expresses even: "Although you use all sorts of embellish skin syrup, pull straight hair, you also cannot become a white man forever. You also cannot become a white man forever..
Zu the most popular furniture light Ma this make known his position to initiate the debate about racialism instantly, white man of a few south Africa also pas furniture light tes the photograph that walk a dog in gregarious website to push go up especially, in order to show protest. Face the people's unsatisfactory, explanation of office of Zu Ma's president says, zu Ma's original idea is to want to appeal south Africa people is thoroughly eradicative and co plantronic wireless headsetlonial change a mind. "This is not to say, should not like an animal or take care of an animal. This information just emph loony tunes golden asizes wanting a love to the animal, over the love that raises pair of someone else. Over the love that raises pair of someone else..
modern dining chairsZu Ma was elected as a president first degrees 2007, he obtained be reappointed consecutively successfully 2009. This month 18 days, zu Ma is elected as south Africa to be in office again party african national assembly (ANC) leader, this means him to will be held the position of again at least 5 years south Africa president.
(original title: Zu Ma " object raising a dog " opinion on public affairs provokes controversy)
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