Sunday, January 15, 2012

American woman dusk is in Thailand is completely naked headroom wirewalking (graph)

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brass faucetInternational is online stalk of grain only: According to England " the sun sig the best selling plantronic wireless headset ns up for " will report on December 27, one young woman of American was performed in Thailand field a the most popular selling travel mugs stainless few days ago completely naked the alarmingly the best selling travel mugs st free loony tunes golden ainless dangerous setting in headroom wirewalking, make a person most ejaculatory i the most popular loony tunes golden s her it is the dusk after the sun sets undertakes, and did not adorn any safety protect equipment all over.

The report says, this woman is called sea Li · Ashenben (Hayley Ashburn) , most popular selling loony tunes golden it is 24 years old, come from American san Francisco. Ashenben was in area of Thailand Mai Leung a few days ago the top of the stone column most popular selling mountain t shirts in two water accomplishs this one feat. Surface of wire rope distance has 120 feet (about 37 meters of) , the decharge depth of water below cliff has 30 centimeters only. Once Ashenben drops most popular selling furniture light carelessly, consequence will be unimaginable.

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moto gp xboxAshenben says, naked wirewalking can " let me feel freedom and stimulation, and my outdoors is stark-naked also won't somebody sees " . Nevertheless, a companion still caught these alarmingly dangerous setting with camera.

(Original title: One woman of the most popular selling plantronic wireless headset United States performs wirewalking of the most popular travel mugs stainless completely naked headroom not to have safeguard on the dusk (group plan) )

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