Sunday, January 15, 2012

England will issue plastic bank note the embedded and more function that prevent bogus

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London of China News Service on December 17 report (Ling Jie of Zhou Zhaojun summer) British central bank will issue plastic bank note, the money with this kind of qualitative material is compared soft more durable, and return more can embedded preventing bogus function.

British sky is defended inspect news station (path of Sky News)17 daily, bank of England of British central bank (Bank Of England) is newest presswork the contest award contract of money, included to presswork the clause of plastic money. 12 volt adaptor

This new bank note pressworks the contract will begin from 2015, continue to 2025. Before issueing plastic bank note, england bank needs at least 12 months seek advice period, the electron takes the establishme free loony tunes golden nt such as money machine to also need time to install relevant setting.

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Cu the best selling plant lights rrent, on the world already a few countries are using plastic money, include Australia, Romania, Vietnam, Mexico and Malaysia to wait. The domi most popular selling furniture light nant position with plastic the biggest money is durable, the basis is calculated, of Australia 5 bay yuan durable time makes an appointment with plastic money 40 months, and the best selling plantronic wirel the most popular travel mugs stainless ess headset soft and durable time m travel mugs stainlessakes an appointment most popular selling loony tunes golden with 5 pound of England only 6 free travel mugs sta free mountain t shirts inless months.

canon ef 15mmAccording to statistic, came 2003 during 2011, as a result of soft be da free furniture light maged in washing machine and let England bank get value of 747 thousand pound change application, what have 8.625 million pound additionally is soft in be on fire or in the flood by caustic.

About publishing the process of plastic money, a spokesman of England bank expresses, current, the bank needs the two sides of positive and negative of all sorts of pair of safe functions and money pattern plate to undertake thinking. (Be over)

(Original title: England will issue plastic bank note the embedded and more function that prevent bogus)

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