The Christmas just passed, of website free furniture light of information of the biggest classification investigates England to show, this year christmas, the English plantronic wireless headsetman sends bade to be worth 2.1 billion pound in all (add up to 3.39 billion dollar about) " do not want " gift, average every adult receives two, value 43.5 pound (70.2 dollars) . loony tunes golden
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The classified information content of includes to rent a house, apply for a job, the car trades, secondhand commodity trades, hand in friend to wait, cover the many states such as the United States, Australia, Poland at the same time.
Website investigation shows, sell oneself are received on the net do not want a gift to become tide gradually, close half adult expresses to be able to adopt this kind of method " trash is used " .
In secondhand trade the area can see, one sells the home to sell the copy that heads remote control unit only gives birth to a bird, make a price 80 dollars; Another sells the home to sell one passes domestic vivid parrot, make a price 600 dollars; The name is " Phil " sell the home to offer a piece of par value of 100 dollars " wear Wei Jones " certificate of brand inn convert into money, ask a price 80 dollars.
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Conspicuous of division of · of Er of Mu Ai of sale adviser Sa and Gu De of the · that wear dimension and friend combination establish beneficent orgnaization " we do not mind " , establish before door of a shopping centers receive stall, stall operation comes new year's day is overnight.
The gift it may be said that they receive is multifarious, wait besides leather belt of boots of abb of co mountain t shirts mmon embellish skin breast, children, Zara, also there is no lack of Indian barbecue a slender pointed piece of metal, make the rare thing such as game of Popsicle machine, chessboard. Division conspicuous says, this is to let people " absolve Babylon feeling " gift recycle means.
Salesman the base of a fruit not case of go smoothly of alizarin red · is passed " types of facial makeup in operas " find " we do not mind " stall, contribute give to be able to repeat use coffee cup. She says: "This is a good place, red-blooded newly most popular selling plant lights emerging things, transferred Christmas drive, let popular feeling lay warm idea. Let popular feeling lay warm idea..
(Xinhua News Agency offers Qiao Ying of draft of our newspaper spy)
(Original title: Christmas gift wastes England this year 2.1 billion pound)
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