Sunday, January 15, 2012

American woman abandons the child to go out the party is sentenced future is banned 13 years bear

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north face shirtsInternational is online stalk of grain only: According to England " the sun signs up for " will report on December 31, american Florida city a woman fell 4 her children in hotel room a few days ago, and oneself go attending a party. A court of local sentences his 5 years to imprison, to avoid at be imprisoned, this woman must agree with what this court puts forward to forbid the command that bear before 2025.

The report says, this woman is called Jinbaili Laitexi (Kimberly Lightsey) , the mo free furniture light st popular furniture light it is the most popular mountain t shirts 30 years old. Her 4 children age arrives 11 years old in 1 year old between. After she leaves these 4 children in hotel room alone at that time, go out search joy the best selling mountain t shirts ous, after neighbour heard cry and hubbub, call the police. Police discovery has a child to contract the disease with epilepsy and cerebral paralytic ministry among them, need what the person follows closely to take care of. satin pjs

Laitexi ever expressed to the court, oneself still have the plan th furniture light at continues to want th plant lights e child.

Laitexi ever was imprisoned because of mistreating children to be sentenced 4 years 2009. At prese free loony tunes golden nt her children are taken care of by relatives and friends. resealable bags

(Original title: One woman of United States abandons the child to go out search mountain t shirts be sentenced happily future prohi the most popular plant lights bits 13 years bearing (graph) )

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