Sunday, January 15, 2012

Thailand elephant devours tourist apple mobile phone follows eduction of excrement and urine

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[Zhang Xue of reporter of round-the-world network coverage] according to Thailand " Bangkok Post " will report on December 28, in Thailand one travels inside the tourist attraction, the IPhone mobile phone of tourist of a China is devoured by an elephant, hind the fecal eduction as elephant. This paragraph of setting is filmed come d the most popular selling plantronic wireless headset own to be passed to the network, cause upsurge of a network.

According to the report, this China tourist films for the companion with IPhone mobile phone when the most popular selling plant lights setting that feeds animal banana, in letting elephant whirls a mobile phone with nose and send the entry carelessly, swallow.

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Somebody films this paragraph of scene video is passed to the net, however, a few ne free plant lights tizens express not to believe to this, think the person that film makes this intentionally.

A few netizens say, the person that raise an elep free furniture light hant may take plantronic wireless headsetIPhone from elephant mouth, hide its in elephant excr the most popular loony tunes golden ement and the best selling plant lights urine. Somebody suspects elephant and still send into th most popular selling loony tunes golden the most popular selling the most popular selling e mouth without handle machine, passed the drive that takes on its head to resemble a person however.

(original title: Thailand one elephant devours tourist IPhone mobile phone foll free plantronic wireless headset ows eduction of excrement and urine)

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