Sunday, January 15, 2012

Joint company reviews meridian concern year to lead of Diaoyu Island of 10 big news

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Joint company reports, branch of joint company Chinese chooses meridian 2012 concern 10 big news. Japanese government " nationalization " Diaoyu Island, China turns over day of parade, yen and RMB to start trade directly before house 3. It is sheet of complete a list of names posted up below:

1, Japanese government " nationalization " Diaoyu Island

Tokyo knows thing stone former Shen Tailang to announced Tokyo in April governmental general " buy " Diaoyu Island, of Japan and China contrary warm up unexpectedly. Japanese government put forward in July " nationalization " plan, will decide to allocate fund the best selling plant lights s on September 11 2.05 billion yen " buy " 3 islands such as Diaoyu Island. Meridian two countries gets in the almost all domain such as politics, diplomacy, economy, culture tremendous shake.

2, Chinese each district erupts confronting normalization of Diaoyu Island of the parade that return day

Japan " nationalization free furniture light " after Diaoyu Island, chinese each district erupts day after day the parade that return day, 918 emergency fete protested the activity upgrades further that day. On August 27, japan is stationed in China ambassadorial Dan Yuyu one Lang Zun is driven encounter in Beijing piece. The official boat such as inspect of sea of the China since October 20 sails 35 days continuously Diaoyu Island maritime space, patrol with Japan the confronting normalization of the boat. On December 13, plane of bureau of Chinese country ocean enters Diaoyu Island airspace first, spread out " stereo cruise " .

3, yen and RMB are started trade directly

Yen and RMB were started on June 1 trade directly, yen is become outside removing a dollar first begin the money of main the best selling plantronic wireless headset foreign country that trades directly with the RMB. Two kinds of moneys can undertake changing through the dollar no longer, this hopeful is reduced trade cost rises convenience sex, elevate two countries money the status on the international market. Although show level to change requirement very small still, and China sets a lot of restriction to crossing area sth used to one's own advantage to trade, but it is important that meridian money collaboration w most popular selling mountain t shirts as stridden undoubtedly one pace. In addition, although Japan is the same as Sino-South Korean two countries to exist to oppose badly on domanial problem, but with respect to the free-trade area that start the negotiation mountain t shirts was reached on the ministerial class meeting that the the Three Kingdoms will hold in Kampuchea capital Phnom Penh in November consistent. First-run negotiation will at next year some earlier moment is held, hopeful of East Asia economic integration gains new headway.

4, China lifts day of tide of boycott day goods to fasten acute of Che Zaihua sales volume to decrease

China boycotts day commodity movement to spread, day fastens a car to be hit in the parade that return day be bungled, business of car of the Japan since September drops quickly in sales volume of Hua Xin car. With Feng Tian the car is exemple, in September, will mix in October sales volume will fall compared to the same period in November it is respectively 48.9% , 44.1% with 22.1% . Because of the car exit drops considerably, japan will glide to Chinese exit in November 14.5% . But an investigation October shows, the Japanese company that only inadequacy becomes is narrowing in the consideration in China business or evacuate China market. Each old car manufacturer rolls out all sort the best selling mountain t shirts s of consumer actively also to compensate measure, sales volume glides the trend already got keep within limits.

plant lights5, Chinese warship is passed first first insular Zhu Dao is adjacent area

China is naval on October 16 county of Okinawa of 7 warships classics and that country island and express on the west sail from Pacific Ocean between the island the East China Sea. This is Chinese warship is passed first first insular Zhu Dao abuts area. Although the warship did not sail to Diaoyu Island, but Chinese marine activity is brisk with each passing free travel mugs stainless day cause day of square height attention. Meridian to what upgrade increasingly contrary, american government appeals meridian both sides answers peace to solve calmly, but the United States just says Diaoyu Island is belonged to " Rimeian preserves treaty " applicable object, in bringing about, just object.

6, Japan changes halt China ambassador

Japan is stationed in China ambassadorial Dan Yuyu one man June because object " buy " Diaoyu Island and be saved to warn by foreign affairs. Japanese government will begin to consider to change in August ambassador. After foreign affairs discusses Guanxi Gong Shen to be appointed to be an ambassador, in September abruptly dies. Japanese government will decide finally to appoint assistant official room magisterial wood on November 22 prosperous person takes up the post of the temple to be sta loony tunes golden tioned in newly China ambassador, he states will successive Dan Yu takes seriously " careless root communicates " course, engage public figure of Chinese all circles actively, spread out " diligent do legwork " diplomacy.

7, massacre of Nanjing of doubt of renown Gu Wu's mayor arouses billows

The speech oppugned Long Zhi of village of river of Gu Wu's mayor in Feburary " Nanjing massacre " hind aroused billows in China immediately, nanjing municipal government an most popular selling furniture light nounces the government between time-out and municipal government of name ancient house interacts, as Sino-Japanese friend very indicative Nanjing judo house opens a shop two years the ceremony is cancelled, activity of Nanjing Japan week is adjourned, project of teenage sports communication is suspended.

8, Japan rolls out disaster area for many times to go back and forth between the measure such as visa to attract Chinese tourist

Afterwards after the Okinawa last year, japanese government begins from July to go to Japanese disaster area the Chinese tourist of 3 counties extends for many times to go back and forth between visa, in order to promote disaster area tourism. In meridian relation nervous atmosphere falls, japanese each district still is sent hope Chinese tourist can come round to consume. Okinawa county government opens Beijing office to be about to attract tourist of 100 thousand China, the mid area such as renown Gu Wu is started " path rising dragon " travel project, large fraction, Qi mounds wait for a county to open small gain to publicize travel resource the most popular selling travel mugs stainless actively in succession.

9, transmit a good news one after another in day giant panda

Giant panda serves as meridian " friendly ambassador " greet attend day 40 years. The giant panda that goes to Japan newly last year is entered on after wild zoo, make amount of tourist of this garden annual nearly 19 years be broken through first 4 million. Giant panda is born smoothly on July 5 panda darling, regretful is to be less than a week misfortune to die young. Nevertheless, with establishment of recreation of song hill county " adventurous world " raised giant panda also will produce next young young animal in August. This establishment still will announce twin giant panda will go to Hua Fanyan offspring 5 years old in December. In addition, stage of celestial being of Japanese earthquake disaster area leases to China the problem of giant panda suffers meridian relation aggravation to affect a negotiation to be immersed in backwater.

10, sea of SNH48 of AKB48 Shanghai edition chooses person energy of life to explode canopy

Japanese gas God is combined " AKB48 " party of Shanghai edition sister " SNH48 " sea choosing attracts more than 38 thousand person to sign up, person energy of life explodes canopy. Chinese media thinks, SNH48 will be become " first large God of Chinese is combined " . AKB48 was appointed to be normalization of meridian diplomatic relations 40 years on Feburary 14 amicability ambassador, small-sized concert is held in Beijing and Shanghai respectively later. Noon to the popular culture between communicates or will make one of medium of communication that two countries countryman communicates each other. (Be over)

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