Sunday, January 15, 2012

Indonesian play staff of 9 years old of female Tong Yin delays cure to die in the find a view inside urgent consulting room

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[Zhang Xue of reporter of round-the-world netw loony tunes golden ork coverage] according to Taiwan " the company central " will report on December 28, indonesian idol p the most popular loony tunes golden lay " love is in Paris " the play staff was in a hospital a few days ago the find a view inside urgent consult most popular selling furniture light ing room films, cause a cure of 9 years old of female Tong Zhi is delayed and get killed, this matter the most popular furniture light causes Indonesian media in an uproar.

This is called A Yo (9 years old of Ayu Tria Desiani) female child be diagnosed to suffer from leukaemia before, often Jakarta of pass in and out a hospital. 26 days afternoon, the doc free travel mugs stainless tor discovers A Yo has a hemal crack, need sends emergency call room cure. Howe free loony tunes golden ver, the remedial process of A Yo however because of play of TV station idol " love is in Paris " the play staff lasts in emergency call to indoor find a view films and be delayed. north face shirts

The father of A Yo expresses, when A Yo waits to accept treatment, play staff personnel is all the time in emergency call room to-and-fr the best selling loony tunes golden o, and the corridor that leads to emergency call room is more crowded photography machine, the discrepancy that causes patient and doctor is very disadvantageous.

The family of A Yo expresses, god play staff is in from A Yo sickbed the place of a few meters films, play staff equipment scatters inside whole urgent consulting room, this can cause an effect to patient and family member of course.

According to the report, chip pat " love is in Paris " Indonesian SCTV TV station was opposite so far this removes contingency to make any responses, but the courtyard just expresses, the courtyard just offerred due remedial program to A Yo that day, this incident and TV station play staff pat play to have nothing to free mountain t shirts do inside urgent consulting room.

(Original title: Find a view of hospital of Indonesian play staff causes trouble 9 year the most popular travel mugs stainless s old female child get killed of eme plantronic wireless headsetrgency call suffocate suffocate)

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