[Zhu Xiaolei of reporter of roun free furniture light d-the-world network coverage] reported on January 3 according to the BBC, indone free loony tunes golden sia inferior Qi Shengluo repairs equestrian city to will implement a ban strictly, bestride of forbidden woman passenger is after male autocycle the back of hand. The name of the most popular selling plantronic wireless headset a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces mountain t shirts repairs Xiehaiya of mayor of equestrian power city to expressed on January 2, female bestride is undeserved pose, will exciting by motorcycle the male, this the best selling plantronic wireless headset one pose violated Mohammedan viewpoint of value. Two legs must be when motorcycle is being ridden after this city female and situation of approach side sitting position.
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The report says, city plans Luoxiumawei to announce draft of this one ban inside number week, and formal after be discussed with Mohammedan clergy of place legislation. modern dining chairs
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(Original title: free travel mugs stainless Indonesian inferior neat province will ban female bestride autocycle to say its stimulation cycles the male)
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