Sunday, January 15, 2012

Aobama talks about marital recipe 20 years: Spend difficulty in all true love is deep

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[Guo W free travel mugs stainless enjing of reporter of round-the-world network coverage] according to Taiwan " the company central " will report on December 27, after American president Aobama and first-lady Michelle be reappointed consecutively first couplet sleeves accept TV to vi the most popular mountain t shirts sit. He expresses to 20 old marriage, if two people can spend difficulty in all hand in hand, esteem and true love will be deeper.

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Aobama and Michelle's couple accept an ABC in the White House (ABC) TV network is senior advocate so mountain t shirts w Barbara Huatesi (when Barbara Walters) is visited, aobama is wearing th the most popular furniture light e pho plant lights tograph of the Michelle that gules grid ocean installs at be being embraced closely during electioneering, become visit topic.

Huatesi ask travel mugs stainlesss: "Why to hold in the arms so closely? " simple r the best selling mountain t shirts esponse says Aobama: "Because I love my wife. "Because I love my wife..

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Further explanation says Michelle, already period of time did not see the man at that time, during entering into an election contest, two people often resemble two boats pass in nightly difference body, crossed good period of tim loony tunes golden e to just see him on the stage. Aobama is again compensatory say, be me then " sweet candy " the hug that gives me.

As to how the blaze of hold together marriage? Oubama says, had married more than 20 years, resemble general marriage, have climax low tide, if two people can spend difficulty in all hand in hand, esteem and true love will be deeper.

Michelle says, there also are a lot of mirths during. The report says, the outside thinks Mixieerbi is more the best selling plant lights interesting commonly, michelle also is not denied, nevertheless Aobama laugh says: "I am more interesting than what what everybody imagines much. "I am more interesting than what what everybody imagines much..

(Original title: Aobama talks about marital recipe 20 years: Spend difficulty in all true love is deep)

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